Start Before You’re Ready Collection
In December 2021, I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer at the age of 33. What I thought was a routine, preventative MRI, turned into a life saving discovery of two masses that were not detectable by a mammogram due to dense breast tissue. While shocking and scary, I am overwhelmingly grateful my cancer was detected early enough to give me the opportunity to fight! Need caught up to speed? You can read this post where I overshare, well, everything…
Not long after “the news”, my son and I spent some time learning a new set of watercolor brushes. The result was the millefleur array of hydrangeas, roses and daffodils for the pattern now named “Start Before You’re Ready”. Just like each flower, my story is unique. It fits into a specific space in time to change the rhetoric in breast cancer prevention while encouraging others to follow their dreams.
I believe there is a space and need for your story, too! Whether it’s being proactive on health matters or pursuing your creative ideas, “Start Before You’re Ready” celebrates acting on those nudges to take the first step. In a month, year or decade from now, you’ll be so thankful you started today. Don’t wait until every piece of the puzzle makes sense – start before you’re ready.
A portion of Start Before You’re Ready proceeds will go towards raising the standard of preventative breast health screening to give more women the opportunity to fight.